What does yellow exclamation warning light mean on Ford Transit?
Ford Transit / Connect Worn Brake Pads WARNING LIGHT This dashboard exclamation mark will typically illuminate in yellow / amber and is to inform the driver that brake pads have worn past a predetermined safe limit. Have brakes and pads checked as soon as possible.
What does yellow exclamation mark mean on Ford Transit?
This warning light may illuminate red or yellow/amber on the Ford Transit or Ford Transit Connect. The cog with an exclamation mark inside indicates a malfunction within the management system of the engine, a sensor, or a software fault.

What does the yellow light mean on a Ford?
The Ford dashboard symbols follow a traffic light colour system: Green: the system is working correctly or is currently in use. Yellow: something is not working correctly – take extra care and check it out as soon as possible.
What does this mean (!) On my car?
Modern cars come with tire pressure monitoring systems and the little exclamation point inside of a half-circle merely means one or more of your tires have low pressure.
Can I drive with a yellow warning light?
Red warning lights mean you should stop the car as soon as it is safe. Yellow warning lights mean that action is required.
How do I remove the yellow exclamation?
To get rid of the "yellow warning sign" error, scan and repair your hard drive by running a Check Disk (CHKDSK) scan: Type Command Prompt in the Start Menu search bar. Next, right-click on the Best match result and then select Run as administrator.
Is it safe to drive with exclamation mark?
Established 1997
The dashboard light looks like an exclamation point inside of a horseshoe and, if illuminated, should be addressed immediately. When the TPMS light goes on, it should not be ignored. Driving on underinflated tires can lead to an accident or cause damage to your vehicle.
What do yellow emergency lights mean?
A few other organizations are permitted to use blue lights to include tow trucks or other utility vehicles in states such as New Mexico and Texas. Amber/Yellow: Non-emergency vehicles used for construction, road maintenance, funeral escorts, and car towing make the most use of yellow or amber warning lights.
What does a yellow indicator mean?
YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop, if you can do so safely. If you can't stop, look out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes.
What is yellow exclamation mark on car?
It's an alert that one of your tires has dropped below 75% of its recommended pressure. It's an easy fix: You need to inflate the tire. You may see a yellow exclamation mark on a dashboard instead, which also indicates an issue with your tires. Some cars have an orange exclamation mark, while others have a yellow one.
What does a yellow warning light mean?
Green: the system is working correctly or is currently in use. Yellow: something is not working correctly – take extra care and check it out as soon as possible. Red: there is a serious, and potentially dangerous problem – stop driving as soon as it is safe to do so.
What does a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark mean on my dashboard?
This indicator lets you know that there's a Critical Warning Message that you need to read as soon as possible, but it doesn't actually indicate a specific problem. Really, the triangle with an exclamation point is a catch-all warning light, designed to alert you to issues that your other lights won't catch!
What should you do if a yellow warning light comes on?
Yellow: something is not working correctly – take extra care and check it out as soon as possible. Red: there is a serious, and potentially dangerous problem – stop driving as soon as it is safe to do so.
Why is my exclamation light on?
The horseshoe shape on your dashboard light (often with an exclamation point in the middle) indicates low tire pressure. Low tire pressure happens naturally over time from driving.
What is the little yellow exclamation mark in car?
It's an alert that one of your tires has dropped below 75% of its recommended pressure. It's an easy fix: You need to inflate the tire. You may see a yellow exclamation mark on a dashboard instead, which also indicates an issue with your tires. Some cars have an orange exclamation mark, while others have a yellow one.
What effect do the exclamation marks (!) Have?
The exclamation mark (!), known informally as a bang or a shriek, is used at the end of a sentence or a short phrase which expresses very strong feeling.
What does the orange emergency light mean?
A flashing orange light may only be used as follows: Where a breakdown has occurred. Where maintenance or other work, or an inspection is being carried out. When a breakdown vehicle is towing a motor vehicle, or in the event of a vehicle carrying an abnormal load.
What is the emergency light signal?
- Emergency flashers or hazard lights are activated when a driver pushes the hazard light button/switch. The lights warn other drivers of an emergency situation you may be in or that your car is parked on the side of the road. All four turn signal lights turn on when you activate your emergency flasher.
What is the most serious warning light in a car?
The check engine light is usually the most serious and feared warning because of the kind of damage it can signal. This warning often indicates the potential for serious engine damage. When ignored, your vehicle could suffer from a blown head gasket or a seized engine.
When a yellow signal light is shown you should *?
- According to the Maryland Department of Transportation, a flashing yellow traffic light at an intersection means you should slow down and proceed with caution.
What action should you take if a yellow warning light is illuminated?
If the lamp is yellow or orange, then it is a signal that you should be aware of a possible fault, stop the car, investigate and make sure that the car is repaired in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, if the warning light is red, stop the car immediately and call for help.
What does a yellow exclamation warning light mean?
It's an alert that one of your tires has dropped below 75% of its recommended pressure. It's an easy fix: You need to inflate the tire. You may see a yellow exclamation mark on a dashboard instead, which also indicates an issue with your tires. Some cars have an orange exclamation mark, while others have a yellow one.
What are the 3 uses of exclamation mark?
Use an exclamation mark at the end of a strong command, an interjection, or an emphatic declaration.
What does orange exclamation mark mean in car?
You might notice the orange exclamation mark on your dashboard. It's a common symbol often surrounded by a tire icon. If you see this symbol, pay attention. It's an alert that one of your tires has dropped below 75% of its recommended pressure. It's an easy fix: You need to inflate the tire.
What is the most important warning light?
The check engine light is usually the most serious and feared warning because of the kind of damage it can signal. This warning often indicates the potential for serious engine damage. When ignored, your vehicle could suffer from a blown head gasket or a seized engine.
What are car hazard warning lights?
Hazard warning lights are generally used in the event of a breakdown. If you feel your car starting to lose power whilst driving, put your hazards on to warn other drivers that you may be about to slow down or stop suddenly. This will allow other drivers to keep their distance and avoid a collision.